Please note: Functionality described on this page requires Download Monitor version 4.0 or above.
Versions in Download Monitor can be fetched via the Version Repository. Retrieve is a method of Download Monitor’s version repository service. The method returns an array of versions. Modifiable with filters. Can be limited and offset.
public function retrieve( $filters=array(), $limit=0, $offset=0 ) {}
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
$filters | array | array() | The filters that set what versions will be fetch. Basic WP_Query parameters can be used here with some exceptions. Ignored parameters are post_type , posts_per_page , offset , paged , nopaging . |
$limit | int | 0 | Allows you to limit the amount of versions that are fetched. |
$offset | int | 0 | The offset specifies the offset of the first row to return. Allows you to skip given offset of versions in the result set. |
Retrieve all versions of Download ID 9
This snippet retrieves all versions for download with ID 11.
$versions = download_monitor()->service( 'version_repository' )->retrieve(
'post_parent' => 11
Retrieve all downloads, order by title
This snippet retrieves the latest version for download with ID 11.
$versions = download_monitor()->service( 'version_repository' )->retrieve(
'post_parent' => 11
Retrieving a single version can also be done with retrieve_single method.