Please note: Functionality described on this page requires Download Monitor version 4.0 or above.
Versions in Download Monitor can be fetched via the Version Repository. num_rows is a method of Download Monitor’s version repository service. The method returns the number of versions found for given filters. Useful for when you want to paginate your results for example.
public function num_rows( $filters=array() ){}
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
$filters | array | array() | The filters that set what versions will be fetch. Basic WP_Query parameters can be used here with some exceptions. Ignored parameters are post_type , posts_per_page , offset , paged , nopaging . |
Retrieve how many downloads in total the website has
This snippet will fetch an int containing the total versions the download with ID 4 has.
$num_rows = download_monitor()->service( 'version_repository' )->num_rows( array( 'post_parent' => 4 ) );
Did you know! The retrieve() method uses the same $filters argument as this method. See the documentation page of retrieve() for more examples on various filter examples.