Shortcode: downloads

With the downloads shortcode, you can display an HTML list of downloads.


This shortcode takes the following arguments:

per_pageHow many downloads to show. Defaults to -1 (no limit).
paginateIf the list should include pagination. true or false. Default: false.
orderbyOrder of downloads. title, rand, ID, none, date, modified, post__in, download_count. Defaults to date.
orderOrder direction. ASC or DESC (default).
includeComma separate IDS to include (optional).
excludeComma separate IDS to exclude (optional).
offsetSkip first x downloads. It must include “per_page” attribute and no “paginate” attribute or paginate=false.
categoryComma separate category slugs to include downloads in any (OR) of given categories. Plus sign (+) separate category slugs to include downloads in all (AND) given categories.
category_include_childrenSet to false to not include downloads from children categories (used with the category argument above).
tagComma separate tag slugs to include downloads from those tags only.
featuredTrue, false, or exclude_featured. exclude_featured. Set to true to only pull featured downloads or exclude_featured to only pull non-featured downloads.
members_onlyTrue or false. Set to true to only pull member downloads.
templateTemplate used to output the list of downloads.
loop_startHTML to wrap the list. Default: <ul class="dlm-downloads">
loop_endHTML to wrap the list. Default: </ul>
beforeHTML to wrap each item. Default: <li>
afterHTML to wrap each item. Default: </li>

The template argument in this shortcode uses content templates.


Shows featured downloads in the plugins category.

[downloads featured="true" category="plugins"]

When using [downloads] shortcode, a bulleted list of downloads is created by default.

To change it to a numbered list, add this CSS code:

.dlm-downloads {list-style: decimal;
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