How to remove the “tmstv” Timestamp Parameter in Download Links?

When using Download Monitor, you may have noticed that all download links contain a unique parameter at the end, such as “tmstv=1697525663.” This parameter serves a crucial purpose in web caching systems, ensuring that the linked file remains up to date and is not cached unnecessarily. To find out more info please check out this article.

If you want to remove that timestamp you will need to follow some simple steps. Before you proceed, ensure that you have the following:

  • A WordPress website with Download Monitor installed and activated.
  • Administrator access to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Basic knowledge of working with WordPress and code snippets.

Note: We recommend that you do a backup of your site before making any changes.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard

    Log in to your WordPress website’s dashboard using your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Theme Editor

    In the WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” and select “Theme File Editor.

  3. Edit the Functions.php File

    In the Theme Editor, locate and select the functions.php file on the right-hand side. This file contains your theme’s custom functions.

    Note: We recommend adding the code snippet in your child theme functions.php folder so you will not lose the changes in the next update.

  4. Add the Custom Code Snippet

    Insert the following custom code snippet at the end of the functions.php file:

    add_filter('dlm_timestamp_link', '__return_false');
  5. Save Changes

    After adding the code snippet, click the “Update File” button to save your changes.

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