How to display your first download

Displaying your downloads is easier than you might think. A clickable URL or a button are the two alternatives available to you.

You’ll see a section labeled Download Information on the right side of the screen. Your generated shortcode and URL will be there. You will need them soon.

Setting up a clickable URL

Copy the created shortcode after you’ve saved your work thus far. Search for the shortcode block or simply paste the code into the post or page where you want the link to appear.

Keep in mind that the download file’s title will appear as the text anchor (clickable URL) on the page. The file link can also be used to copy and share the file with others.

Setting up a download button

  1. This method is not more complicated either. From the Download Information section, copy the URL.
  2. If you’re using the Gutenberg Editor, create a basic button by clicking the “+” and searching for that block on the page on which you want to display the button. You can enter a text like “Download here!” and attach the link to it.

If you prefer the WordPress Classic Editor, you have the option to look for a Shortcode block as well. Simply create a custom button of your choice and copy the shortcode after it was generated.

Custom buttons (paid version)

When it comes to buttons, Download Monitor has a Buttons extension that allows you to create templates, change, and stylize them in a variety of ways.

  1. Go to Downloads > Buttons if you want to change the look of the buttons. Give the template a name in the text box and then click the Add template button. You’ll be redirected to another page with customization options including background, border, font, text size, and shadow, as well as a right-side preview of your button.
  2. When you’re satisfied with the design, click the Save Button. After you save your template, a shortcode will appear next to the template name in the templates list. Copy the shortcode and paste it on the page you want. By pressing “+,” you can look for the shortcode block or paste the shortcode and save the page. Your newly created button will appear on the screen.
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