How to customize your download?

The page where you add your download has many options depending on what extensions you have installed.


You’ll see an Add Form button just under the download title if you look closely.

You can use this to force people to fill out a form before they can download the file. This makes data collection more manageable and helps your company better understand its customers. Both Gravity Forms and Ninja Forms extensions come with the PRO plan.


You will notice another feature being the Version section. This is especially handy if you own a business that sells products and offers free user manuals to your customers.

Whether you frequently change manual versions and want to let users know what version they have and if they need an update, you can make use of this feature.

Download rules

With the Advanced Access Manager add-on (available in PRO version), you can also create a set of download rules. 

ℹ️ Get started with Download Monitor and Advanced Access Manager add-on!

You can limit your download to certain users by clicking the Add Rule button in the Advanced Access Rules section.

You can even block a certain IP address. You can also set a daily download limit or a certain number of downloads for the download URL.

Downloading options

When you add a file to be downloaded, you’ll see a section called Download Options on the right side of the page with a variety of check boxes.

It’s worth noting that not every tick box under Download Options is from an extension. The plugin’s settings available in the free version are Feature Download, Members Only, Redirect to File, and Terms & Conditions.

To find out more about our downloading options please read our article here.

Download tags and categories

A section called Download Tags and Download Categories can also be found on the right side of the page. This allows you to sort your files into multiple categories.

If you set the “instruction manual” tag, for example, and your user clicks on it, they will view all files that have that tag. The categories can be products, file types (images, videos, audio, etc), or even file extensions (PDF, JPG, PNG, etc).

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