Download Repository – retrieve

Please note: Functionality described on this page requires Download Monitor version 4.0 or above.

Downloads in Download Monitor can be fetched via the Download Repository. Retrieve is a method of Download Monitor’s download repository service. The method returns an array of downloads. Modifiable with filters. Can be limited and offset.


public function retrieve( $filters=array(), $limit=0, $offset=0 );


$filtersarrayarray()The filters that set what downloads will be fetch. Basic WP_Query parameters can be used here with some exceptions. Ignored parameters are post_type, posts_per_page, offset, paged, nopaging.
$limitint0Allows you to limit the amount of downloads that are fetched.
$offsetint0The offset specifies the offset of the first row to return. Allows you to skip given offset of downloads in the result set.


Retrieve all downloads

This snippet retrieves all published downloads.

$downloads = download_monitor()->service( 'download_repository' )->retrieve();

Retrieve all downloads, order by title

This snippet retrieves all published downloads but order them by title.

$downloads = download_monitor()->service( 'download_repository' )->retrieve( array(
	'orderby' => 'title',
	'order'   => 'ASC'
) );

Retrieve all downloads of author

This snippet retrieves all published downloads but order them by title.

$downloads = download_monitor()->service( 'download_repository' )->retrieve( array(
	'author' => 2
) );

Retrieve all downloads in a category

This snippet retrieves all published downloads but order them by title.

$downloads = download_monitor()->service( 'download_repository' )->retrieve( array(
	'tax_query' => array(
			'taxonomy' => 'dlm_download_category',
			'field'    => 'slug',
			'terms'    => 'my-category-slug'
) );

Retrieving a single download can also be done with retrieve_single method.

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