Free Version
For the free version, every download comes with 4 download options out of the box: Featured download, Members only, Redirect to file, and Terms & Conditions.
Go to Downloads > Add New and look in the right menu.

- Featured Download
Marking a download as a Featured download allows you to display the download in special, more prominent, places in widgets and shortcodes. - Members only
Downloads that are marked Members only will only be downloadable by logged-in users.
Did you know? With the Advanced Access Manager extension, you can make downloads only available to certain roles! - Redirect to file
By default, downloads are forced on the user. This means the user will be prompted to pick a location for the file on their computer and the file will download to it.
When you mark a download Redirect to file, the user will be redirected to the actual file location. This way the browser will decide how to handle the file.
Please note that thedlm_uploads
folder is protected by default, you may need to move your file when you enable Redirect to file. The Redirect to file page contains no-index/no-follow metatags. So that it has all its links ignored by Google and other search engines.
Did you know? Enabling Redirect to file on PDF files will in most cases allow the user to view the PDF in the browser!
Warning! Enabling Redirect to file will expose the actual file URL, allowing users to bypass Download Monitor and share the direct file URL. - Terms & Conditions
This option allows you to ask your users to accept your terms and conditions before they can download the files. After checking this new option and saving your download, your visitors will no longer be able to download this file without accepting your Terms and Conditions first.
When the visitor clicks the link/button, Download Monitor will redirect your user to your No Access page because they haven’t accepted your Terms and Conditions yet.
The Terms & Conditions extension automatically appends the Terms & Conditions form to the No Access page so your visitor can accept them and start their download there.
Example:[download id=5]
You can also display a pop-up form. Instead of being redirected to the No Access page, you can choose to open the No Access message in a modal window. In order to do so go to your WP dashboard > Downloads > Settings > Advanced > Access > enable the ‘No Access modal’ option > Save changes.
Here is an example of how it would look:
You can require all of your downloads to require the Terms and Conditions to be accepted. Head over to the Terms & Conditions tab in your Download Monitor settings and check the All downloads require Terms & Conditions option.
Pro Version
The other download options unlock based on what pro version you have and what extension you have installed.

- Email Lock
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the Email Lock extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The extension allows you to ask your users to enter their email addresses before they gain access to your downloads. - Captcha
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the Captcha extension, which is part of the Basic pricing plan or higher. The extension allows you to ask your users to complete a Google reCAPTCHA before they gain access to your downloads. - Ninja Locked
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the Ninja Lock extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The extension requires users to fill in a Ninja Forms form before they can gain access to a download. You will also need to install the Ninja Forms plugin for this option to appear in the Downloads Options section.
Warning! You will need to combine version 1.4.0+ of the Download Monitor’s Ninja Forms extension with version 3.0+ of the Ninja Forms plugin. - Subscribers Only
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the MailChimp Lock extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The extension allows you to ask users to be subscribed to your MailChimp list before they gain access to your download You will also need to install the MailChimp plugin for this option to appear in the Downloads Options section. - Contact From 7
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the Contact Form 7 extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The Contact Form 7 extension for Download Monitor allows you to require users to fill in a Contact Form 7 form before they gain access to a download. - WPForms
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the WPForms extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The WPForms extension for Download Monitor allows you to require users to fill in a WPForm form before they gain access to a download. - Gravity Forms Lock
This option unlocks after you’ve installed the Gravity Forms extension, which is part of the Complete pricing plan. The Gravity Forms extension for Download Monitor allows you to require users to fill in a Gravity Forms form before they gain access to a download.