If you have multiple files in your WordPress Media Library that you want to convert into downloadable items while ensuring they are protected, Download Monitor offers a convenient and efficient way to accomplish this task. This guide will walk you through the process of bulk-importing files from your Media Library into Download Monitor.
Bulk-Importing Files from Media Library
- Access the Media Library: Begin by navigating to your WordPress dashboard. From there, go to “Media” and select “Library.”
- Select Files for Download Conversion: In the Media Library, you can browse and select the files you want to turn into downloads. You can select multiple files at once by holding down the Ctrl (or Command on Mac) key while clicking on the files. Alternatively, you can use the Shift key to select a range of files.
- Bulk Actions: Once you’ve selected the desired files, click on the “Bulk Actions” dropdown menu located at the top of the Media Library.
- Choose ‘Download Monitor Protect’: In the “Bulk Actions” menu, select “Download Monitor Protect” from the list of available options.
- Apply the Action: After selecting “Download Monitor Protect,” click on the “Apply” button. This will initiate the process of converting the selected Media Library files into downloads while ensuring they are protected.

It’s important to keep in mind that this bulk import process works effectively if the files in your Media Library are displayed in a List style, rather than a Grid style. Make sure your Media Library is configured accordingly.
- Protected Downloads: After clicking “Apply,” the selected files will be transformed into downloads, and each of them will be protected. You can easily identify these protected downloads by the presence of a locked icon next to each one.
- Accessing and Editing Downloads: To manage and edit your newly created downloads, visit your WordPress dashboard and go to “Downloads” > “All Downloads.” Here, you can make any necessary adjustments or configurations to these downloads.

By following these steps, you can efficiently bulk-import files from your Media Library into Download Monitor, ensuring they are transformed into protected downloads. This streamlined process simplifies the management of downloadable content on your website, enhancing the overall user experience.