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Raiber Cristian

Self-taught entrepreneur with a deep passion for learning, understanding human nature, and what drives businesses forward. CEO of WPChill. Our products are being used by over 750,000 users, every day. Connect with me on Twitter.

Twitter Lock

The Twitter Lock extension for Download Monitor allows you to require users to tweet your pre-defined text before they gain access to a download. Installation For more information on installing and activating Download Monitor see here. Usage After installing the extension…

The do_not_force Filter

The do_not_force filter lets you choose to redirect to a download instead of serving it via PHP. This is useful for large files which cannot be downloaded reliably. You can turn off download forcing via a function in your theme’s…

Shortcode: download_data

With the download_data shortcode you can display specific download information. Arguments This shortcode takes the following arguments: id The download’s ID which you want to display. You can find this from the downloads page in admin. autop Set to true…

Shortcode: downloads

With the downloads shortcode, you can display an HTML list of downloads. Arguments This shortcode takes the following arguments: per_page How many downloads to show. Defaults to -1 (no limit). paginate If the list should include pagination. true or false.…

Shortcode: download

With the download shortcode you can display one of your downloads. Arguments This shortcode takes the following arguments: id The download’s ID which you want to display. You can find this from the downloads page in admin. autop Set to…

Setting up the checkout page

Please note: Functionality described on this page requires Download Monitor version 4.3 or above. Creating your checkout page is done in 2 steps. First, you create a new page and add the [dlm_checkout] shortcode to the page. After you’ve published this…

Start Protecting your WordPress Downloads

Protect and track downloads on WordPress... What are you waiting for?